  • Brands
  • September 27, 2018 1 min read

    【音樂】 澳洲三人樂隊 The Necks 出道已 30 年,依然持續創作,而且至今仍能予人驚喜,實屬難得。 他們的作品慣常是以這個組合構成:鋼琴、低音提琴與鼓(或其他敲擊樂器),很簡單,卻又可以奏出很多不同的變化。 新專輯《Body》只有一首歌,全長接近一小時,銅鈸、鐘與經常處於低音區的鋼琴演奏,營造了一股不安、焦慮的氣氛,卻沒料到,中途竟然殺出急激的電結他演奏,十分搖滾,到接近尾聲時才漸漸靜下來(同時又有一些很出奇不意的鼓擊部分)。 如此充滿能量的演奏,在樂隊過去 30 年的 20 張專輯都不常見。很難把 The Necks 的音樂歸類,彷彿一直在爵士、搖滾與古典之間游走,打破了很多傳統的框架,喜歡尋求刺激的樂迷不容錯過。 【Music】 An Aussie experimental jazz trio The Necks has formed for 30 years. They still quest for new ideas and keep making better music, which impresses music listeners with its subtle variations in sound. Even their work is only made up of the combination of instruments such as piano, double bass, and drums, they can play different styles of music. Their new album "Body" only has one 1-hour song – starting from a slumber of the pensive piano to a clanging rock blast with the electric guitar. Such energetic performances are dissimilar to all previous albums over the past thirty years. It is hard to classify their types of music as The Necks always sway between jazz, rock and classical music. Hence, die-hard fans of music should keep track of it.