  • Brands
  • September 29, 2018 1 min read

    【由 Front-height 到天花到反射:3D 音效的發展】 音樂和電影音效經過成百年的發展,技術上經歷相當多的進化,尤其是後者由單聲道、立體聲、4 聲道、5.1 聲道到現時更多的聲道設計,音效也由平面包圍的 2D 進化成 3D 全方位包圍。其實由 5.1 聲道後置喇叭耳平稍高的擺位,已經可以營造到部分空中音效的感覺。不過大家當然不會滿足於此,於是 Dolby Pro Logic IIz 及 DTS Neo:X 出現,增加了 Front Height、Rear Height 聲道,通過將喇叭安裝到前、後牆身的高處,令到聲效真正由高空處發出,獲得更好的空中音效定位。 到 Dolby Atmos、DTS:X 和 Auro-3D 三款 3D 聲效格式出現,更將天空聲道的喇叭安裝上天花,前兩者有 5.1.2、5.1.4、7.1.2、7.1.4 等不同的聲道配置,通過 2 隻或 4 隻天花喇叭輸出電影裡面上方的音效;後者則有 Voice of God,配合 Front Height、Rear Height 的第二層喇叭,來提供 3D 聲效包圍感。 【From front-height to in-ceiling: the evolution of audio effects】 More than a century of development in music and cinema sound has brought an astounding technological evolution to the field. In particular, cinema sound format has gone from single channel, to stereo, to 4-channel, 5.1-channel and now more channel settings, while the audio effect has evolved from 2D to 3D surround sound. In fact, the 5.1 system features rear speakers that are positioned slightly above the ear-level, which already make the listener feel like the sound is coming from above. Of course, audio innovation didn’t stop there, and we saw the emergence of Dolby Pro Logic IIz and DTS Neo:X, which boast the addition of front-height and rear-height channels. Through the installation of front and rear speakers at higher positions on walls, the sound is rendered more spacious, with more depth and dimension. With the three 3D sound formats, Dolby Atmos, DTS:X and Auro-3D, the height channel speakers are actually placed in the ceiling. Offering various audio channel configurations including 5.1.2, 5.1.4, 7.1.2 and 7.1.4, Dolby Atmos and DTS:X have two or four in-ceiling speakers to deliver sounds that come from above. In the case of Auro-3D, its top-ceiling “Voice of God” channel with front- and rear-height channel speakers, create a truly immersive 3D sound.