《復仇者聯盟 3:無限之戰》不單是《復仇者聯盟》系列的最終章,也是 Marvel Studios 繼《黑豹》之後,另一部 10 周年鉅獻。既是壓軸,又是周年紀念,規模自然絕不會小。經過 10 年來的精心安排,Marvel 電影留下的伏線也會在這集一一拆解。片中將會有 22 個超級英雄出現,陣容龐大。究竟有沒有超級英雄要犧牲?新武器、新戰衣會是甚麼樣子?美國隊長單挑魁隆會否成功?作為 Marvel 迷一定好心急吧!不難預期電影的音效也會是相當突出,對聽覺享受有要求的觀眾,不妨選擇在 Festival Grand 的貴賓影廳觀看,Bowers & Wilkins 的音響設備將會帶你進入復仇者聯盟的電影世界,給你如身臨其境般的震撼體驗!
As the final chapter of the Avengers saga and a celebration of Marvel Cinematic Universe's 10 years of magic and success, Avengers: Infinity War is the biggest, most epic superhero movie ever made. With a decade of careful planning, the film will feature a staggering number of 22 superheroes, and give answers to many questions Marvel has left unsolved, serving as the payoff to several movies that came before it. Will we see superhero deaths? What do the new weapons and costumes look like? Is Captain America going to defeat supervillain Thanos? Find out at the movies! As with all Marvel films, extraordinary sound effects are an integral part of Avengers: Infinity War's storytelling. So for an ultimate viewing experience, watch the movie at the BEA Festival Suite at Festival Grand, and let the Bowers & Wilkins sound system take you into the fantastical world of the Avengers, and immerse yourself in the heart-pounding action!
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