  • Brands
  • September 29, 2018 1 min read

    聽Jon Hopkins的音樂,你可能不會想像得到,他自小學習鋼琴,而且有很紮實的古典音樂根基。長大後,他選擇了向電子音樂的領域進發,曾跟Brian Eno和Coldplay合作,個人專輯《Immunity》更曾獲英國Mercury Prize提名,外界一致叫好。相隔5年,新作《Singularity》以充滿空間感的氛圍作為骨幹,像把我們帶入了浩瀚宇宙一樣。專輯最初幾首樂曲以連綿而且低頻豐厚的節拍,先聲奪人,其後漸漸回歸靜態,偶爾還散落一些鋼琴音色和人聲唱詠點綴,讓這段宇宙之旅在刺激過後,再添上幾分神秘色彩,甚至讓人進入冥想狀態。 Listening to Jon Hopkins' music, you probably wouldn't have guessed that he's a classically-trained musician who started playing the piano at a young age. As a teenager, Hopkins developed a passion for electronic music, and went on to collaborate with industry heavyweights like Brian Eno and Coldplay. His critically-acclaimed 2013 solo album, Immunity, was nominated for a Mercury Prize. Five years later, the Englishman returns with a new offering titled Singularity. Dazzling with rhythmic grooves and a cosmic ambience, the album is a mesmerizing combination of hypnotic beats, beautiful piano melodies, and soothing vocals. By turns exciting, mysterious, and calming, Singularity is an emotional and spiritual exercise that might just send you into a state of meditation.